Musings of the Z Gang

Way back in the winter of 1997, few souls met at the amphitheatre of BMC and in no time they found themselves bonded for life. They called themselves 'Zites', belonging to the ' Z ' Gang. ...Last Benches, Proxy attendances...Late Night movies, Long rides...Hostel fights, Ragging...Screwed up elections....These images conjure "Zites". This is a blog dedicated to the zites and their musings.


Failed 'id'... Wounded 'Ego'... A quest for 'Super-ego'...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What does celebration mean to you?????

Hi Friends,

Once up on a time, there was this chap Seeji, who used to maintain a blog 'Musings of Z gang'..... Infact thats how I should start this post, given the frequency of my posts. Itz really long time I wrote for this blog. (I'm not apologising... Just a fact). Studies, TV, Projects and my other 'two babies' kept me busy. Shocked!!!??, I was referring to my other two blogs.

With all pains I have to admit that, this blog has come to a pathetic condition where I am posting a 'e-mail forward' to maintain the frequency (Sheesh!!!) . Nevertheless, a nice one.

If your idea of celebration is any one of the below, itz assured that we have celebrated the most of our lives. Our life in BMC was a party. Three Cheers for that !!!

Note: I dont know the author. It was a forward from my long-time buddy Prashanth (No, not the one from Z gang... he is still learning A, B, C, D.. of e-mail :) :) ).

Celebration means......

A chilly winter evening.
Four friends.Heavy rain.
Four glasses of chai.

[Remember the late night tea at Taj, Shivaji Nagar ?????]


few hundred bucks of gas.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.

[Very frequent, was almost a routine]


Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.

[That reminds me of Hot Egg fried rice & Omlette at 3-4 AM in Hostel Mess by Shreenivas, Kumara. ]


3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 internet messenger.


Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakoras deep-frying.
Neighbours dropping in.
A party.


You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
Gossiping about absent family members.

[any typical visit to Native]


Best pals hanging around,
most imp exam tomorrow,
no one's studied before,
we end up being nostalgic,
no study!
[ I know, that explains our grades in MarksCards... But, who is complaining? ]

You can spend
Hundreds on birthdays,
Thousands on festivals,
Lakhs on weddings,

but to celebrateall you have to do is spend your TIME.

Keep in touch with your loved ones ........

Stay beautiful

For 'Z Gang'

PS: Visit my other two blogs &